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Sex video Train to interact with the Superior Female Gender, It is time to learn your place in your interactions with the female gender. HD watch online

Welcome to the HIVE. One of the biggest weakness, beta males have is something theHIVE calls, the look. Every beta male knows what it is and it is important for them to be able to recognize the look and react correctly. This is because, how you react will determine how the superior female sees you. The problem is that women are far more complex than males. Because of how complicated their mental processing is, many males find them difficult to understand. Males who are still enslaved to their false egos may use terms like “crazy” or “insane” to describe how the superior gender thinks and processes information. This is because they have become fearful or frustrated by their inability to please women. They know the fault is their own, but are too immature to take responsibility for their failings, or even to ask the woman to help them understand how to behave in their presence.
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